第21部分(2 / 7)

 scanned the room for Nate。 Instead; she found Serena

standing by the bar; her elegant silver Valentino silk cocktail dress shining in the light; thin silver

bands cinching her tiny waist。 Blair walked toward her; her cobalt blue Viktor & Rolf gown with

its intricately beaded bodice trailing silkily behind her like an inky pool of water。 She smiled

giddily to herself。 Serena might look stunning; but next year she?d be stuck in the dirty old city


Blair and Nate were miles away in their cozy New Haven love nest; feeding each other

cornichons and oysters and all sorts of other cute; couple…y foods。 Her father might not have given

her a town house yet; but her birthday was ing up in November。 。 。 。

Well; her mom did buy her an island。

?Hey。? Blair kissed the air near Serena?s cheeks。

Mwah! Mwah!

?Isn?t this wild? Check out the naked guys in body paint over there!? Serena set her empty

champagne flute down on the faux…marble bar behind her and grabbed a full one。 She hated how

nervous she felt around Blair。 How much did Blair know about her and Nate? How much would

Serena be brave enough to tell her? ?It?sbeyond 。 Your mom really outdid herself。? Maybe it was

best just to act cheerfully; casual; like she wasn?t about to steal her best friend?s boyfriend right

out from under her nose。

Blair pushed closer to the bar; practically knocking over Rain Hoffstetter。 Rain?s chestnut brown

hair was usually sweaty from soccer and pulled back in a lopsided ponytail; but tonight she was

wearing it in loose waves around her face; and a black…and…silver Calvin Klein gown made her

athletic body look slightly less manly。

But only slig

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