第26部分(1 / 7)

glad she and Blair were friends。 As different as they were; they?d accepted their differences and

painted each other?s toenails。 And wasn?t that what true friendship was about? Vanessa nearly

gagged at her own sentimentality; but it was all true; so fuck it。

Dan stared up at a large photograph of Serena at the Raves show; suddenly noticing himself up

on stage in the background; sweat dripping from his black T…shirt; his hair flying as he jumped into

the air; mike cord wrapped around one skinny arm。 He laughed at his own idiotic antics and

squeezed Vanessa?s fingers for reassurance。 Vanessa had been with him through every bizarre

moment over the last year?from back when he was just a nerdy guy scribbling in a shabby

notebook all the time; to a published poet in theNew Yorker ; to an almost rock star。

Almost。 Except for the whole puking…on…stage part。 And now; on the verge of a road trip out West

that would lead him God knew where; she was still here?and still holding his hand。

You love my lady lumps。 Check it out!

The screen flicked to an ad for Serena?s Tears。 Serena stood in Central Park in a skimpy yellow

dress; one lone tear glistening on her smooth; perfect cheek。 Next came a shot of Blair; starring in

her fourth…grade production ofAnnie ; an enormous grin on her face。 She?d refused to wear a wig

and had chosen brown pigtails instead; calling it artistic license。

Next Nate recognized a photo he?d taken of Blair sun…bathing on his roof; one eye closed in an

adorable wink。 Then there was a picture of Serena on the set ofBreakfast at

Fred?s; wearing an enormous wide…brimmed black Bailey Winter hat; a triple strand of creamy

white pear

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