第28部分(2 / 7)

e a tiny splash as it

hit the calm surface of the water。

Chips nodded approvingly and Nate grabbed a rope to hoist the sail; giving it a fierce pull。 The

sail rose above him; fluttered in the breeze; and then grew taut。

?We?re off!? Chips cried as the boat motored out into the harbor。

Nate watched the dock grow smaller and smaller。 Maybe college was the right choice for most

people; but it wasn?t for him?at least not now。 Yale could wait。 He needed time to figure out who

he was and what he really wanted; and he was never going to do that if every spare minute was

taken up with classes; papers; and 。 。 。 Blair。 Or Serena。

The tall buildings of Manhattan began to recede into the distance; and the spires of the Chrysler

building and the Empire State building became tiny toy versions of themselves。 The island Nate

had called home his whole life suddenly looked 。 。 。 small。 He planted his feet on the teak planks

of the deck and turned his head into the wind as they sailed off into the sparkling; endless blue。

Like we?re never going to hear from him again? Not a chance。 The world is big; but notthat big。

the long goodbye

Blair crossed her arms and tapped her toe impatiently on the platform as the train began to fill up

with hundreds of luggage…toting passengers。 She was so fucking on edge that she felt like she

might throw up。 The bright silver train cars were momentarily engulfed in a white cloud of

exhaust; and Serena coughed; one hand covering her mouth。

Blair dialed Nate?s number for the bazillionth time and sighed as it rang and rang and then went

to voice mail。 ?Nate; it?s me;? she snapped into the phone。 ?I?m here on the platform a

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