henomenal early reviews inVariety ;Vanity Fair ;
andEsquire ; the release date forBreakfast at Fred?s has been pushed up! The fun begins tomorrow
at the luxuriousSoho House; the part members…only club; part hotel; where they?re holding a
bigBreakfast at Fred?s press conference。S will be meeting up with her yummylicious co…starT; aka
my new boyfriend (shhhhh 。 。 。 don?t wake me up! If anyone can make him like girls; I can) who
is; in case you?ve been residing on Mars; currently in possession of the hottest six…pack abs this
side of the Hudson。 Too bad he pitches for the other team。 Anyone who?s anyone on the gossip
circuit will be there to watch as A Star is Born?our littleS is all grown up!?and you know that
means I?ll find a way in。 。 。 。
It?s time to zip yourself into that purple tapestry Calypso sheath; don your Dior shades; raise one
hand in protest to the glaring flashbulbs while exclaiming; ?Gentlemen! No pictures;please !? For
those of you who don?t know the drill; some helpful advice from yours truly:
do?s and don?ts for attending your first press junket
(1) Do bring sunglasses; preferably large Chanel or Gucci ones; even if the event takes place at
night。Especially if it takes place at night。 Those flashbulbs really are blinding! And besides;
nothing creates an air of mystery like a pair of oversize shades。
(2) Do escape to the ladies? room for frequent makeup touch…ups?nobody likes a shiny nose on
camera。 Besides; where better to overhear the latest gossip about the premiere?and spread some of
your own。
(3) Wear indelible lip color; or a sealant over your favorite shade: getting lipstick on your teeth
during an interview i