第2部分(2 / 7)

o parents;

nothing to worry about; just me and Blair 。 。 。 it was probably the best month of my life;? he said;

although he was really thinking about how kissable Serena?s lips always looked?the way they

were always a little parted; with just a trace of a smile。

Serena?s heart plummeted in her chest。 She wanted so badly to have been the one out there with

him; totally alone; nothing around but the endless expanse of blue water and their half…naked

bodies。 She wondered for the millionth time if he had found her letter and read it。 Somehow; she

doubted he had。 If he?d found the letter; he would?ve said something; right? But there was

probably no point in asking anyway。 He loved Blair。 There was no question。 She felt dizzy at the

thought。 How could she go up to Yale with them in a week and watch as Nate and Blair stared into

each other?s eyes for four long years? She didn?t think she?d be able to stand it。

Nate?s phone rang; breaking the peaceful silence。 He grabbed it from the floor and as he reached

out; his T…shirt rode up a little; exposing the smooth; tanned skin of his back。 Serena swallowed

and tried to look away。 Nate pushed the speakerphone button and a gravelly; decidedly grumbly

voice was released into the air。

?Nate? Is that you??

Nate looked over at Serena in confusion; wrinkling his forehead。

?Uh; yeah;? he said cautiously。 ?This is Nate。?

?Well; this is Chips;? the voice growled menacingly。 ?Meet me at the New York Yacht Club in

half an hour。? There was a click; then the sound of a dial tone。

?Fuck;? Nate mumbled under his breath。 After a moment he jumped to his feet and slid them into

a beat…up pair of black and 

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