第1部分(2 / 7)

en kissed that

much??and glanced back at theCharlotte 。 Nate Archibald?s lanky frame appeared on deck; tanned;

bare…chested; and grinning; his wavy brown hair streaked with gold; his eyes perfectly matching

the green Billabong board shorts hanging low on his hips。


Blair resisted the urge to get right back on the boat and drag him down to theCharlotte ?s

ridiculously tiny bedroom。 Even though they?d been together 24/7 for the last month; drinking

frosty…cold mango margaritas all day and getting hot and sweaty all night; she still couldn?t get

enough of him。

Apart from enjoying each other?s pany; there had also been the requisite visits to charming

New England seaside towns like Rockport and Camden for cups of clam chowder?she?d actually

learned to enjoy it; despite the fact that chowder was just hot; heavily salted cream with little

pieces of chewed; gumlike clams in it?and adventurous forays up rivers and inlets so Nate could

feel like the sailor he was。

Blair closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of Guerlain sunblock still coating her skin; taking in

the feel of the fine grains of sand still stuck between her toes; and the cool ocean breeze that

tickled her cheeks。 She sighed happily as she remembered last night; stretched out beside Nate;

who was wearing light blue linen pajama bottoms; on theCharlotte ?s miniscule bed; falling asleep

with the sound of his heartbeat in her ears。 She ran her hands through her sea…spray…tangled hair

and watched as Nate tied the last knot on the bowline and jumped onto the dock。

?Well; don?t you look happy?? He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist; burying his face in

her dark; wind…b

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