第47部分(1 / 4)

小說:下一穿乾隆 作者:蒂帆


And also that You will be pleased to ① allow to any of Our Subjects frequenting the Coasts of Your domini翠¤; and conducting themselves with propriety a secure residence there; and a fair access to Your Markets; under such laws and regulati翠¤; as Your Majesty shall think right; and that their lives and properties shall be safe under Your Imperial protection: ② that one Man shall not suffer for the crime of another; in which he did not participate; and whose evasion for Justice he did not assist; but that every measure shall be taken on the part of your Government as Our Embassador is instructed strictly to direct to be taken on the part of Our People to seize and bring to condign Punishment; any of Our Subjects transgressing the laws or good order of Your Empire; or disturbing the Peace and friendship subsisting between Us。


We have particularly instructed Our Embassador to take every method in his Power to mark Our regard and friendly disposition to Your Imperial Majesty; and it will give Us the utmost satisfaction to learn that Our wishes in that respect have been amply plied with and that as We are Brethren in Soverignty; so may a Brotherly affection ever subsist between Us。


May the Almighty have you in his holy protection!

Given at Our Court at St。 James’s in London the

And in the 32nd Year of Our Reign。

Imperator Augustissime

Vester bonus grater et Amicus

Georgius R


Augustissimo Principi

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