t left to the childless; the single; or to incredibly stouthearted parents!
All this leads me to why getting things in order is exciting! When you have a closet; a cupboard; or a drawer in perfect order; that one little area seems to say; “You’re doing a wonderful job! Keep up the good work!” What motivation! It’s terrific to feel those words; because chances are ten to one you’ll never hear them。
Every day I get letters from people all over the country。 Invariable I get one that says; “Today I cleaned out my closet。 Every five minutes I go in there—just to look at it!”
Organization feels good; and that good feeling spills over into your disposition。 It can improve your entire outlook on life。 Organized living sets you free from feelings of despair; and stress is greatly reduced。 You experience a feeling akin to relief。
I remember when I first observed a savings and loan promoting the “good feeling” that banking with them gave their customers。 Since then I’ve noticed a lot of similar claims wafting through the airways: “We’ve got it and we’ve got it good。” “We bring good things to life。” “Milk has it。” “Make the world your oyster with Master Card。” Even the dog is running around the yard with the Hi…Pro glow。
These days everyone is cashing in on the good feeling。 I; too; am offering it to you—free of charge。 All it takes is some forethought; a little time; and some good old…fashioned work。
Christopher Robin (from A。 A。 Milne’s Winnie…the…Pooh) said it best: “Organizing is what you do before you do something; so that when you do it; it’s not all mixed up。”
If you want organized living with kids; you can have it。 Stick with me and we’ll work together—gradually; smoothly; and systematically—down the road to emancipation。