18。 與人結交,就不要中斷與他的友誼。縱然恢復了,也不會像曾經那樣親密無間。玉器破裂,能夠粘補,如此一來,既不美觀,也不牢固,已經失去了它原有的價值。
19。 聰明人想要與假朋友脫離關係,會逐漸地疏遠他,而不是突然斷絕與他的來往。
20. 古代西方的國王亞歷山大在戰事緊急的時刻親自上戰場迎敵。其中一個大臣勸阻他說:“戰場上危機四伏,您如何保證自己的安全?” 國王回答:“你幫我驅散假朋友,我來抵禦公開的敵人。”
On Friendship
1。 A friend should relate to a friend as to oneself; because a friend is another self。
2。 A friend and I; although we have two separate bodies; are of one mind。
3。 In easy times it is difficult to tell true friends from false ones。 In hard times the nature of a friendship is revealed。 In hard times a true friend draws closer; while a false one turns away。
4。 Before making friends; we should first judge; after making friends; we should trust them。
5。 Friendship and enmity are like sweet music and discord。 The criterion for distinguishing them is harmony or the lack of it。 Harmony is essential to friendship。 With harmony; a small enterprise can grow big。 With disagreement; a great enterprise can fall into decay。
6。 When in distress; we love to see a friend’s face。 Both in trouble and in joy friendship is beneficial。 Friendship reduces sorrow in times of pain arl adds to joy in happy times。
7。 Persons with whom we can share our innermost feelings are our most intimate friends。
8。 If it is built on mon interests and similar moral standards; friendship is strong。
9。 A true friend does not always agree with his friends; nor does he always disagree。 He accepts what is reasonable and opposes what is unreasonable。 Therefore the duty of a friend is to speak frankly。
10。 A friendshi