第23部分(1 / 6)

小說:制高點 作者:九十八度

JAIRAM RAMESH: Well; it did work。 I think certainly it did work。 And what is interesting is that all the parties that criticized the party that introduce reforms are now taking forward those reforms。 So I think; you know; '91 to 2000 has shown that the economic liberalization was started out of pulsion has ended up being a process that has been driven by conviction。

JAIRAM RAMESH:它確實發揮作用了,我確信它當然發揮作用了。有趣的是,一開始批評引入改革的政黨的那些政黨現在都推動著那些改革。所以我想,從1991年到2000年見證了這樣一個過程:經濟自由化在各種限制與壓制中起步,最後卻以深入人心被普遍接受而告終。

P。 CHIDAMBARAM: This has brought about a sea change。 In fact; nobody in India today would question the correctness of the decision to open up India's economy。 Even the munists grudgingly can see that this is the right path now。

P。 CHIDAMBARAM:這帶來了大量的變化。事實上,現在已經沒有人懷疑當初開放印度經濟的決定的正確性了,即使是共產黨現在也不得不承認這是一正確的道路。

NARRATOR: In Russia; ironically; the 1998 stock market crash and the default on debts may have been a turning point; a second chance for Russia's still…new market economy。 Under President Putin; the institutions of a market economy strengthened; and the oligarchs were reined in。


DANIEL YERGIN: Russia has changed a lot since the loans…for…shares deal of the mid…90s。 It's had strong economic growth over the last several years。 panies have modernized; and a lot of their reform legislation that should have been done five or six or seven years ago has finally been enacted。

丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):自從90年代中期的貸款換股權交易後,俄羅斯改變了許多。在過去的七年中,俄羅斯保持了很高的經濟增長,公司走向了現代化,他們一些本該在5年、6年、7年以前就制定的改革法規也終於出臺了。

JEFFREY SACHS: I remain cautiously optimistic。 But even if Russia gets out of this mess; even if democracy survives; even if all of market reforms t

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