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小說:制高點 作者:九十八度

Chapter 1: Prologue '2:45'

第一章: 序言

NARRATOR: As the 20th century drew to its close; and our new century began; the battle over the world economy intensified。 Some people feared globalization and questioned the benefits。 Others weled it。

旁白: 隨著二十世紀的即將結束和二十一世紀的很快來臨,世界經濟體競爭也在不斷加劇。一些人害怕全球化的浪潮,對它能帶來的好處持懷疑態度,而另外一些人則持歡迎態度。

RICHARD CHENEY; : Millions of people a day are better off than they would have been without those trade developments; without globalization。 And very few people have been harmed by it。

切尼,美國副總統: 如果沒有貿易發展和全球化,每天會有數百萬人的經濟狀況不會象現在這麼好。沒有什麼人因為貿易發展和全球化而受到傷害。

NARRATOR: As the terrible events of September 11 drove the world deeper into a recession; new questions emerged about the perils of the new world economy。 Can our now deeply interconnected world surmount a global downturn and rise above other crises? And is global terrorism the dark side of the promise of globalization?


BILL CLINTON; ; 1993…2001: You can't get away from the fact that globalization makes us interdependent。 So it's not an option to shed it。 So is it going to be on balance positive or negative?


NARRATOR: This is the story of how the new global economy was born; a century…long battle as to which would control the manding heights of the world's economies …… governments or markets; the story of intellectual bat over which economic system would truly benefit mankind; the story of epic political struggles to implant those ideas on the nations of the world。


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