第17部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 10 英文 作者:古詩樂

Granny?s fall。 Hey; hangovershurt !

Okay; kids; time for me to take my own advice and follow it up with a little dip in the pool。

Which pool? Oh; wouldn?t you like to know?

You know you love me。

gossip girl

birthday blues

?Happy birthday to me。? Serena whispered; her voice hoarse and scratchy。 She slipped out of her

rumpled canopy bed and yawned miserably。 She?d been miserably half…asleep and half…awake all

night; unable to doze off soundly with Henry cuddled up next to her。 Nate?s words kept repeating

in her head:I love you; I love you; I love you。

Sliding her feet into her hot pink rubber flip…flops; she thwacked out of the bedroom。There was

no need to tiptoe? Henry was snoring heavily enough that she could probably do an aerobics

routine on the bed without disturbing him。

The hallway was quiet; and pale early morning sun peeked in through the massive windows。 She

lingered by the glass momentarily; taking in the view: the green expanse of the wide lawn; the

calm glimmer of the swimming pool; the clear blue sky without even a suggestion of a cloud

overhead。 It was going to be another gorgeous day; but somehow the beautiful weather just made

her feel more miserable。

Who knew she had a secret dramatic streak?

Hugging her bare arms; Serena descended the grand main staircase down to the marble…tiled

foyer; surveying the party damage: glass tumblers with the sticky remnants of mostly finished

cocktails lining the entryway console table; stubbed…out cigarette butts strewn on the floor;

abandoned paper plates filled with half…eaten hamburgers strewn absent…mindedly on the coffee

table。 Heading into the living room

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