第78部分(2 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

from the gatepost; squeezed into

the gap; and pushed。 He got it to move another two feet; enough room for the

snowmobile; and threaded it through。

He became aware of movement ahead of him in the dark。 The hedge animals; all

of them; were clustered at the base of the Overlook's steps; guarding the way

in; the way out。 The lions prowled。 The dog stood with its front paws on the

first step。

Hallorann opened the throttle wide and the snowmobile leaped forward; puffing

snow up behind it。 In the caretaker's apartment; Jack Torrance's head jerked

around at the high; wasplike buzz of the approaching engine; and suddenly began

to move laboriously toward the hallway again。 The bitch wasn't important now。

The bitch could wait。 Now it was this dirty nigger's turn。 This dirty;

interfering nigger with his nose in where it didn't belong。 First him and then

his son。 He would show them。 He would show them that 。。。 that he 。。。 that he

was of managerial timber!

Outside; the snowmobile rocketed along faster and faster。 The hotel seemed to

surge toward it。 Snow flew in Hallorann's face。 The headlamp's oning glare

spotlighted the hedge shepherd's face; its blank and socketless eyes。

Then it shrank away; leaving an opening。 Hallorann yanked at the snowmobile's

steering gear with all his remaining strength; and it kicked around in a sharp

semicircle; throwing up clouds of snow; threatening to tip over。 The rear end

struck the foot of the porch steps and rebounded。 Hallorann was off in a flash

and running up the steps。 He stumbled; fell; picked himself up。 The dog was

growling — again in his head — close behind him。 Something ripped at 

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