第79部分(7 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

 the wall; she made her way up to the corner of the short

hallway。 She was about to turn the corner when the scream froze her; floating

down the stairwell and the elevator shaft:

〃Danny! e here; you pup! e here and take it like a man!〃

Jack。 On the second or third floor。 Looking for Danny。

She got around the corner; stumbled; almost fell。 Her breath caught in her

throat。 Something


huddled against the wall about a quarter of the way down from the stairwell。

She began to hurry faster; wincing every time her weight came down on her hurt

leg。 It was a man; she saw; and as she drew closer; she understood the meaning

of that buzzing motor。

It was Mr。 Hallorann。 He had e after all。

She eased to her knees beside him; offering up an incoherent prayer that he

was not dead。 His nose was bleeding; and a terrible gout of blood had spilled

out of his mouth。 The side of his face was a puffed purple bruise。 But he was

breathing; thank God for that。 It was ing in long; harsh draws that shook his

whole frame。

Looking at him more closel

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