e stopping。 His hands curled into
fists at his sides。
(Not real! False face! I know what you are! Take off your mask!)
〃Danny!〃 it roared。 〃e here; you pup! e here and take it like a man!〃 A
loud; hollow boom as the mallet struck the wall。 When the voice roared out his
name again it had changed location。 It had e closer。
In the world of real things; the hunt was beginning。
Danny ran。 Feet silent on the heavy carpet; he ran past the closed doors; past
the silk figured wallpaper; past the fire extinguisher bolted to the corner of
the wall。 He hesitated; and then plunged down the final corridor。 Nothing at the
end but a bolted door; and nowhere left to run。
But the pole was still there; still leaning against the wall where Daddy had
left it。
Danny snatched it up。 He craned his neck to stare up at the trapdoor。 There
was a hook on the end of the pole and you had to catch it on a ring set into the
trapdoor。 You bad to —
There was a brand…new Yale padlock dangling from the trapdoor。 The lock Jack
Torrance had clipped around the hasp after laying his traps; just in case his
son should take the notion into his head to go exploring up there someday。
Locked。 Terror swept him。
Behind him it was ing; blundering and staggering past the Presidential
Suite; the mallet whistling viciously through the air。
Danny backed up against the last closed door and waited for it。
Wendy came to a little at a time; the grayness draining away; pain replacing
it: her back; her leg; her side 。。。 she didn't think she would be able to
move。 Even her fingers hurt; and at first she didn'