第79部分(3 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

sluggishly over her face。

〃e in;〃 she whispered to him; grinning with black lips。 〃e in and we

will daance the taaaango 。。。〃

〃False face!〃 he hissed。 〃Not real!〃 She drew back from him in alarm; and in

the act of drawing back she faded and was gone。

〃Where are you?〃 it screamed; but the voice was still only in his head。 He

could still hear the thing that was wearing Jack's face down on the first floor

。。。 and something else。

The high; whining sound of an approaching motor。

Danny's breath stopped in his throat with a little gasp。 Was it just another

face of the hotel; another illusion? Or was it Dick? He wanted — wanted

desperately — to believe it was Dick; but he didn't dare take the chance。

He retreated down the main corridor; and then took one of the offshoots; his

feet whispering on the nap of the carpet。 Locked doors frowned down at him as

they had done in the dreams; the visions; only now he was in the world of real

things; where the game was played for keeps。

He turned to the right and came to a halt; his heart thudding heavily in his

chest。 Heat was blowing around his ankles。 From the registers; of course。 This

must have been Daddy's day to heat the west wing and

(You will remember what your father forgot。)

What was it? He almost knew。 Something that might save him and Mommy? But Tony

had said he would have to do it himself。 What was it?

He sank down against the wall; trying desperately to think。 It was so hard 。。。

the hotel kept trying to get into his head 。。。 the image of that dark and

slumped form swinging the mallet from side to side; gouging the wallpaper 。。。

sending out puffs of plast

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