Five blocks up Main; the streetlamps ended。 For half a mile there were small
houses; all buttoned tightly up against the storm; and then only wind…howling
darkness。 In the black again with no light but the thin spear of the
snowmobile's headlamp; terror closed in on him again; a childlike fear; dismal
and disheartening。 He had never felt so alone。 For several minutes; as the few
lights of Sidewinder dwindled away and disappeared in the rearview; the urge to
turn around and go back was almost insurmountable。 He reflected that for all of
Durkin's concern for Jack Torrance's boy; he had not offered to take the other
snowmobile and e with him。
(That place has got a bad reputation around here。)
Clenching his teeth; he turned the throttle higher and watched the needle on
the speedometer climb past forty and settle at forty…five。 He seemed to be going
horribly fast and yet he was afraid it wasn't fast enough。 At this speed it
would take him almost an hour to get to the Overlook。 But at a higher speed he
might not get there at all。
He kept his eyes glued to the passing guardrails and the dime…size