第74部分(7 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

ad been jarred out of her hand by her fall。 It lay glittering on

the fourth stair riser。

〃Bitch;〃 he repeated。 The mallet came down。 She shoved herself upward and it

landed just below her kneecap。 Her lower leg was suddenly on fire。 Blood began

to trickle down her calf。 And then the mallet was ing down again。 She jerked

her head away from it and it smashed into the stair riser in the hollow between

her neck and shoulder; scraping away the flesh from her ear。

He brought the mallet down again and this time she rolled toward him; down the

stairs; inside the arc of his swing。 A shriek escaped her as her broken ribs

thumped and grated。 She struck his shins with her body while he was offbalance

and he fell backward with a yell of anger and surprise; his feet jigging to keep

their purchase on the stair riser。 Then he thumped to the floor; the mallet

flying from his hand。 He sat up; staring at her for a moment with shocked eyes。

〃I'll kill you for that;〃 he said。

He rolled over and stretched out for the handle of the mallet。 Wendy forced

herself to her feet。 Her left leg sent bolt after bolt of pain all the way up to

her hip。

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