第74部分(2 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

ange; a stack of

gasoline chits for the hotel truck; the two pipes Jack brought with him

everywhere but rarely smoked 。。。 and his key ring。

She picked it up; held it in her hand for a moment; and then put it back down。

The idea of locking the bedroom door behind her had occurred; but it just didn't

appeal。 Danny was asleep。 Vague thoughts of fire passed through her mind; and

something else nibbled more strongly; but she let it go。

Wendy crossed the room; stood indecisively by the door for a moment; then took

the knife from the pocket of her robe and curled her right hand around the

wooden haft。

She pulled the door open。

The short corridor leading to their quarters was bare。 The electric wall

flambeaux all shone brightly at their regular intervals; showing off the rug's

blue background and sinuous; weaving pattern。

(See? No boogies here。)

(No; of course not。 They want you out。 They want you to do something silly and

womanish; and that is exactly what you are doing。)

She hesitated again; miserably caught; not wanting to leave Danny and the

safety of the apartment and at the same time needing badly to reassure herself

that Jack was still 。

safely packed away。

(Of course he is。)

(But the voices)

(There were no voices。 It was your imagination。 It was the wind。)

〃It wasn't the wind。〃

The sound of her own voice made her jump。 But the deadly certainty in it made

her go forward。 The knife swung by her side; catching angles of light and

throwing them on the silk wallpaper。 Her slippers whispered against the carpet's

nap。 Her nerves were singing like wires。

She reached the corner o

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