arts; perhaps;
washing dishes in a diner。 Or possibly a more responsible position; such as
pumping gas。 A job like that even held the intellectual stimulation of making
change and writing out credit slips。 I can give you twenty…five hours a week at
the minimum wage。 That was heavy tunes in a year when Wonder bread went for
sixty cents a loaf。
Blood had begun to trickle down from his palms。 Like stigmata; oh yes。 He
squeezed tighter; savaging himself with pain。 His wife was asleep beside him;
why not? There were no problems。 He had agreed to take her and Danny away from
the big bad boogeyman and there were no problems。 So you see; Al; I thought the
best thing to do would be to
(kill her。)
The thought rose up from nowhere; naked and unadorned。 The urge to tumble her
out of bed; naked; bewildered; just beginning to wake up; to pounce on her;
seize her neck like the green limb of a young aspen and to throttle her; thumbs
on windpipe; fingers pressing against the top of her spine; jerking her head up
and ramming it back down against the floorboards; again and again; whamming;
whacking; smashing; crashing。 Jitter and jive; baby。 Shake; rattle; and roll。 He
would make her take her medicine。 Every drop。 Every last bitter drop。
He was dimly aware of a muffled noise somewhere; just outside his hot and
racing inner world。 He looked across the room and Danny was thrashing again;
twisting in his bed and rumpling the blankets。 The boy was moaning deep in his
throat; a small; caged sound。 What nightmare? A purple woman; long dead;
shambling after him down twisting hotel corridors? Somehow he didn't think so。
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