第67部分(1 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

got up; snufing back blood and wiping his nose with the back of his hand。 He

crossed to the Colorado Lounge and shoved through the batwing doors; making them

fly back and bang into the walls。

The place was empty 。。。 but the bar was fully stocked: God be praised!

Glass and the silver edging on labels glowed warmly in the dark。

Once; he remembered; a very long time ago; he had been angry that there was no

backbar mirror。 Now he was glad。 Looking into it he would have seen just another

drunk fresh off the wagon: bloody nose; untucked shirt; hair rumpled; cheeks


(This is what it's like to stick your whole hand into the nest。)

Loneliness surged over him suddenly and pletely。 He cried out with sudden

wretchedness and honestly wished he were dead。 His wife and son were upstairs

with the door locked against him。 The others bad all left。 The party was over。

He lurched forward again; reaching the bar。

〃Lloyd; where the fuck are you?〃 he screamed。

There was no answer。 In this well…padded


room; his words did not even echo back to give the illusion of pany。


No answer。 Only the bottles; standing stiffly at attention。

(Roll over。 Play dead。 Fetch。 Play dead。 Sit up。 Play dead。)

〃Never mind; I'll do it myself; goddammit。〃

Halfway over the bar he lost his balance and pitched forward; hitting his head

a muffled blow on the floor。 He got up on his hands and knees; his eyeballs

moving disjointed from side to side; fuzzy muttering sounds ing from his

mouth。 Then he collapsed; his face turned to one side; breathing in harsh


Outside; the wind whooped louder; driving the 

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