第68部分(6 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

she wondered。 If he should pop

up from behind the dark; varnished registration desk with its pile of triplicate

forms and its little silver…plated bell; like some murderous jack…in…the…box;

pun intended; a grinning jack…in…the…box with a cleaver in one hand and no sense

at all left behind his eyes。 Would she stand frozen with terror; or was there

enough of the primal mother in her to fight him for her son until one of them

was dead? She didn't know。 The very thought made her sick — made her feel that her

whole life had been a long and easy dream to lull her helplessly into this

waking nightmare。 She was soft。 When trouble came; she slept。 Her past was

unremarkable。 She had never been tried in fire。 Now the trial was upon her; not

fire but ice; and she would not be allowed to sleep through this。 Her son was

waiting for her upstairs。

Clutching the haft of the knife tighter; she peered over the desk。

Nothing there。

Her relieved breath escaped her in a long; hitching sigh。

She put the gate up and went through; pausing to glance into the inner office

before going in herself。 She fumbled through the next door for the bank of

kitchen light switches; coldly expecting a hand to close over hers at any

second。 Then the fluorescents were ing on with minuscule ticking and humming

sounds and she could see Mr。 Hallorann's kitchen — her kitchen now; for better or

worse — pale green tiles; gleaming Formica; spotless porcelain; glowing chrome

edgings。 She had promised him she would keep his kitchen clean; and she had。 She

felt as if it was one of Danny's safe places。 Dick Hallorann's presence seemed

to enfold and fort her。 Danny 

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