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小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

〃I'll rap your friggin head!〃 the cop shouted back。 〃This ramp's closed!〃

Hallorann backed up; waited for a break in traffic; and continued on his way

up Route 25。 The signs informed him it was only a hundred miles to Cheyenne;

Wyoming。 If he didn't look out for his ramp; he'd wind up there。

He inched his speed up to thirty…five but dared no more; already snow was

threatening to clog his wiper blades and the traffic patterns were decidedly

crazy。 Twenty…mile detour。 He cursed; and the feeling that time was growing

shorter for the boy welled up in him again; nearly suffocating with its urgency。

And at the same time he felt a fatalistic certainty that he would not be ing

back from this trip。

He turned on the radio; dialed past Christmas ads; and found a weather


〃 — six inches already; and another foot is expected in the Denver metro area

by nightfall。 Local and state police urge you not to take your car out of the

garage unless it's absolutely necessary; and warn that most mountain passes have

already been closed。 So stay home and wax up your boards and keep tuned to — 〃

〃Thanks; mother;〃 Hallorann said; and turned the radio off savagely。


Around noon; after Danny had gone into the bathroom to use the toilet; Wendy

took the towel…wrapped knife from under her pillow; put it in the pocket of her

bathrobe; and went over to the bathroom door。



〃I'm going down to make us some lunch。 'Kay?〃

〃Okay。 Do you want me to e down?〃

〃No; I'll bring it up。 How about a cheese omelet and some soup?〃


She hesitated outside the closed door a moment lo

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