otch; said: 〃Jana sent it。
It was waitin in my letterbox when I got back just now。〃
〃Jesus。 Jesus Christ;〃 Queems said。 There was a peculiar tight expression of
concern on his face; one Hallorann was familiar with。 It was as close to an
expression of sympathy as a white man who thought of himself as 〃good with the
coloreds〃 could get when the object was a black man or his mythical black son。
〃Yeah; okay; you get going;〃 Queems said。 〃Baedecker can take over for three
days; I guess。 The potboy can help out。〃
Hallorann nodded; letting his face get longer still; but the thought of the
potboy helping out Baedecker made him grin inside。 Even on a good day Hallorann
doubted if the potboy could hit the urinal on the first squirt。
〃I want to rebate back this week's pay;〃 Hallorann said。 〃The whole thing。 I
know what a bind this puttin you in; Mr。 Queems; sir。〃
Queems's expression got tighter still it looked as if he might have a fishbone
caught in his throat。 〃We can talk about that later。 You go on and pack。 I'll
talk to Baedecker。 Want me to make you a plane reservation?〃
〃No; sir; I'll do it。〃
〃All right。〃 Queems stood up; leaned sincerely forward; and inhaled a raft of
ascending smoke from his Kent。 He coughed heartily; his thin white face turning
red。 Hallorann struggled hard to keep his somber expression。 〃I hope everything
turns out; Dick。 Call when you get word。〃
〃I'll do that。〃
They shook hands over the desk。
Hallorann made himself get down to the ground floor and across to the hired
help's pound before bursting into rich; bead…shaking laughter。 He was still
grinning and mopping his streaming eyes