第48部分(2 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

the elevator back down。 It was too much like an open mouth。

Too much by half。 He took the stairs。


He stepped into the kitchen and looked at them; bouncing the passkey a few

inches up off his left hand; making the chain on the white metal tongue jingle;

then catching it again。 Danny was pallid and worn out。 Wendy had been crying; he

saw; her eyes were red and darkly circled。 He felt a sudden burst of gladness at

this。 He wasn't suffering alone; that was sure。

They looked at him without speaking。

〃Nothing there;〃 he said; astounded by the heartiness of his voice。 〃Not a


He bounced the passkey up and down; up and down; smiling reassuringly at them;

watching the relief spread over their faces; and thought he had never in his

life wanted a drink so badly as he did right now。


Late that afternoon Jack got a cot from the first…floor storage room and put

it in the corner of their bedroom。 Wendy had expected that the boy would be half

the night getting to sleep; but Danny was nodding before 〃The Waltons〃 was half

over; and fifteen minutes after they had tucked him in he was far down in

sleep; moveless; one hand tucked under his cheek。 Wendy sat watching him;

holding her place in a fat paperback copy of Cashelmara with one finger。 Jack

sat at his desk; looking at his play。

〃Oh shit;〃 Jack said。

Wendy looked up from her contemplation of Danny。 〃What?〃


He looked down at the play with smoldering ill…temper。 How could he have

thought it was good? It was puerile。 It had been done a thousand times。 Worse;

he had no idea how to finish it。 Onc

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