ockface all along。
The small boy in the chair suddenly collapsed and lay in it at a crooked
unnatural angle; his head thrown back; his eyes staring sightlessly at the high
ballroom ceiling。
Down and down and down and down to —
— the hallway; crouched in the hallway; and he had made a wrong turn; trying
to get back to the stairs he had made a wrong turn and now AND NOW —
— he saw he was in the short dead…end corridor that led only to the
Presidential Suite and the booming sound was ing closer; the roque mallet
whistling savagely through the air; the head of it embedding itself into the
wall; cutting the silk paper; letting out small puffs of plaster dust。
(Goddammit; e out here! Take your)
But there was another figure in the hallway。 Slouched nonchalantly against the
wall just behind him。 Like a ghost。
No; not a ghost; but all dressed in white。 Dressed in whites。
(I'll find you; you goddam little whoremastering RUNT!)
Danny cringed back from the sound。 ing up the main third…floor hall now。
Soon the owner of that voice would round the corner。
(e here! e here; you little shit!)
The figure dressed in white straightened up a little; removed a cigarette from
the corner of his mouth; and plucked a shred of tobacco from his full lower lip。
It was Hallorann; Danny saw。 Dressed in his cook's whites instead of the blue
suit he had been wearing on closing day。
〃If there is trouble;〃 Hallorann said; 〃you give a call。 A big loud holler
like the one that knocked me back a few minutes ago。 I might hear you even way
down in Florida。 And if I do; I'll e on the run。 I'll e on the run。 I'll
e on the — 〃