ed halfway; its floor at Jack's chest level。 Warm light still
spilled out of it; contrasting with the oily darkness of the shaft below。
He looked in for what seemed a long time。
〃It's empty;〃 he said then。 〃A short circuit; like I said。〃 He hooked his
fingers into the slot behind the door and began to pull it closed 。。。 then her
hand was on his shoulder; surprisingly strong; yanking him away。
〃Wendy!〃 he shouted。 But she had already caught the car's bottom edge and
pulled herself up enough so she could look in。 Then; with a convulsive heave of
her shoulder and belly muscles; she tried to boost herself all the way up。 For a
moment the issue was in doubt。 Her feet tottered over the blackness of the shaft
and one pink slipper fell from her foot and slipped out of sight。
〃Mommy!〃 Danny screamed。
Then she was up; her cheeks flushed; her forehead as pale and shining as a
spirit lamp。 〃What about this; Jack? Is this a short circuit?〃 She threw
something and suddenly the hall was full of drifting confetti; red and white and
blue and yellow。 〃Is this?〃 A green party streamer; faded to a pale pastel