ing he turned away; his face angry and set。 He belted his
robe around him at the door; opened it; and stepped out into the dark hall。
Wendy hesitated for a moment; and it was actually Danny who began to move
first。 She caught up quickly; and they went out together。
Jack hadn't bothered with the lights。 She fumbled for the switch that lit the
four spaced overheads in the hallway that led to the main corridor。 Up ahead;
Jack was already turning the corner。 This time Danny found the switchplate and
flicked all three switches up。 The hallway leading down to the stairs and the
elevator shaft came alight。
Jack was standing at the elevator station; which was flanked by benches and
cigarette urns。 He was standing motionless in front of the closed elevator door。
In his faded tartan bathrobe and brown leather slippers with the rundown heels;
his hair all in sleep corkscrews and Alfalfa cowlicks; he looked to her like an
absurd twentieth…century Hamlet; an indecisive figure so mesmerized by onrushing
tragedy that he was helpless to divert its course or alter it in any way。
(jesus stop thinking so crazy — )
Danny's hand bad tightened painfully on her own。 He was looking up at her
intently; his face strained and anxious。 He had been catching the drift of her
thoughts; she realized。 Just how much or how little of them he was getting was
impossible to say; but she flushed; feeling much the same as if he had caught
her in a masturbatory act。
〃e on;〃 she said; and they went down the hall to Jack。
The hummings and clankings and thumpings were louder here; terrifying in a
disconnected; benumbed way。 Jack was staring at the closed