第54部分(7 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

 fell down。

From his right; that soft sound again; falling clumps of snow。 He looked over

and saw the other two lions; clear of snow now down to their forepaws; side by

side; about sixty paces away。 The green indentations that were their eyes were

fixed on him。 The dog had turned its head。

(It only happens when you're not looking。)

〃Oh! Hey — 〃

His snowshoes had crossed and he plunged forward into the snow; arms waving

uselessly。 More snow got inside his hood and down his neck and into the tops of

his boots。 He struggled out of the snow and tried to get the snowshoes under

him; heart hammering crazily now

(Secret Agent Man remember you're the Secret Agent)

and overbalanced backward。 For a moment he lay there looking at the sky;

thinking it would be simpler to just give up。

Then he thought of the thing in the concrete tunnel and knew he could not。 He

gained his feet and stared over at the topiary。 All three lions were bunched

together now; not forty feet away。 The dog had ranged off to their left; as if

to block Danny's retreat。 They were bare of snow except for powdery ruffs ar

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