第54部分(3 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈


reached the end and the cold spill of light ing down from above when the snow

did give in; a minor fall; but enough to powder his face and clog the opening he

had wriggled down through and leave him in darkness。

For a moment his brain froze in utter panic and he could not think。 Then; as

if from far off; he heard his daddy telling him that he must never play at the

Stovington dump; because sometimes stupid people hauled old refrigerators off to

the dump without removing the doors and if you got in one and the door happened

to shut on you; there was no way to get out。 You would die in the darkness。

(You wouldn't want a thing like that to happen to you; would you; doc?)

(No; Daddy。)

But it had happened; his frenzied mind told him; it had happened; he was in

the dark; he was closed in; and it was as cold as a refrigerator。 And —

(something is in here with me。)

His breath stopped in a gasp。 An almost drowsy terror stole through his veins。

Yes。 Yes。 There was something in here with him; some awful thing the Overlook

had saved for just such a chance as this。 Maybe a huge spider that had burrowed

down under the dead leaves; or a rat 。。。 or maybe the corpse of some little

kid that had died here on the playground。 Had that ever happened? Yes; he

thought maybe it had。 He thought of the woman in the tub。 The blood and brains

on the wall of the Presidential Sweet。 Of some little kid; its head split open

from a fall from the monkey bars or a swing; crawling after him in the dark;

grinning; looking for one final playmate in its endless playground。 Forever。 In

a moment he would hear it ing。

At the far end of the co

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