don't think about DIVORCE anymore。〃 Dr。 Edmonds's gaze sharpened; but Danny
didn't notice。 He was looking hard at the floor; concentrating on expressing
himself。 〃But now whenever he es he shows me bad things。 Awful things。 Like
in the bathroom last night。 The things he shows me; they sting me like those
wasps stung me。 Only Tony's things sting me up here。〃 He cocked a finger gravely
at his temple; a small boy unconsciously burlesquing suicide。
〃What things; Danny?〃
〃I can't remember!〃 Danny cried out; agonized。 〃I'd tell you if I could! It's
like I can't remember because it's so bad I don't want to remember。 All I can
remember when I wake up is REDRUM。〃
〃Red drum or red rum?〃
〃Rum。 〃
〃What's that; Danny?〃
〃I don't know。〃
〃Yes; sir?〃
〃Can you make Tony e now?〃
〃I don't know。 He doesn't always e。 I don't even know if I want him to e
〃Try; Danny。 I'll be right here。〃
Danny looked at Edmonds doubtfully。 Edmonds nodded encouragement。
Danny let out a long; sighing breath and nodded。 〃But I don't know if it will
work。 I never did it with anyone looking at me before。 And Tony doesn't always
e; anyway。〃
〃If he doesn't; he doesn't;〃 Edmonds said。 〃I just want you to try。〃
He dropped his gaze to Edmonds's slowly swinging loafers and cast his mind
outward toward his mommy and daddy。 They were here someplace 。。。 right beyond
that wall with the picture on it; as a matter of fact。 In the waiting room where
they had e in。 Sitting side by side but not talking。 Leafing through
magazines。 Worried。 About him。
He concentrated harder; his brow f