第25部分(6 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈


for a moment; thinking; wanting a drink。 Suddenly the hotel seemed full of a

thousand stealthy sounds: creakings and groans and the sly sniff of the wind

under the eaves where more wasps' nests might be hanging like deadly fruit。

They had e back。

And suddenly he found that he didn't like the Overlook so well anymore; as if

it wasn't wasps that had stung his son; wasps that had miraculously lived

through the bug bomb assault; but the hotel itself。

His last thought before going upstairs to his wife and son

(from now on you will hold your temper。 No Mattes What。)

was firm and hard and sure。

As he went down the hall to them he wiped his lips with the back of his hand。


Stripped to his underpants; lying on the examination table; Danny Torrance

looked very small。 He was looking up at Dr。 (〃Just call me Bill〃) Edmonds; who

was wheeling a large black machine up beside him。 Danny rolled his eyes to get a

better look at it。

〃Don't let it scare you; guy;〃 Bill Edmonds said。 〃It's an

electroencephalograph; and it doesn't hurt。〃

〃Electro — 〃

〃We call it EEG for short。 I'm going to hook a bunch of wires to your head —

no; not stick them in; only tape them — and the pens in this part of the gadget

will record your brain waves。〃

〃Like on ‘The Six Million Dollar Man'?〃

〃About the same。 Would you like to be like Steve Austin when you grow up?〃

〃No way;〃 Danny said as the nurse began to tape the wires to a number of tiny

shaved spots on his scalp。 〃My daddy says that someday he'll get a short circuit

and then he'll be up sh 。。。 he'll be up the creek。〃

〃I know that cr

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