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小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

flipped them into his mouth。 The familiar acid…pelling taste flooded in。

He had a sudden sensation that people were watching him; curiously and with

some contempt。 The booths behind him were full  there were graying; distinguished

men and beautiful young girls; all of them in costume; watching this sad

exercise in the dramatic arts with cold amusement。

Jack whirled on his stool。

The booths were all empty; stretching away from the lounge door to the left

and right; the line on his left cornering to flank the bar's horseshoe curve

down the short length of the room。 Padded leather seats and backs。 Gleaming dark

Formica tables; an ashtray on each one; a book of matches in each ashtray; the

words Colorado Lounge stamped on each in gold leaf above the batwing…door logo。

He turned back; swallowing the rest of the dissolving Excedrin with a grimace。

〃Lloyd; you're a wonder;〃 he said。 〃Set up already。 Your speed is only

exceeded by the soulful beauty of your Neapolitan eyes。 Salud。〃

Jack contemplated the twenty imaginary drinks; the martini glasses blushing

droplets of condensation; each with a swizzle poked through a plump green olive。

He could almost smell gin on the air。

〃The wagon;〃 he said。 〃Have you ever been acquainted with a gentleman who has

hopped up on the wagon?〃

Lloyd allowed as how he had met such men from time to time。

〃Have you ever renewed acquaintances with such a man after he hopped back off?〃

Lloyd could not; in all honesty; recall。

〃You never did; then;〃 Jack said。 He curled his hand around the first drink;

carried his fist to his mouth; which was open; and turned his fist up。 He


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