第36部分(3 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

olly ceased。 Yet she had the feeling that Jack

was more and more often angry with her or Danny; but was refusing to let it out。

The boiler had a pressure gauge: old; cracked; clotted with grease; but still

workable。 Jack had none。 She had never been able to read him very well。 Danny

could; but Danny wasn't talking。

And the call from Al。 At about the same time it had e; Danny had lost all

interest in the story they had been reading。 He left her to sit by the fire and

crossed to the main desk where Jack had constructed a roadway for his matchbox

cars and trucks。 The Violent Violet Volkswagen was there and Danny had begun to

push it rapidly back and forth。 Pretending to read her own book but actually

looking at Danny over the top of it; she had seen an odd amalgam of the ways she

and Jack expressed anxiety。 The wiping of the lips。 Running both hands nervously

through his hair; as she had done while waiting for Jack to e home from his

round of the bars。 She couldn't believe Al had called just to 〃ask how things

were going。〃 If you wanted to shoot the bull; you called Al。 When Al called you;

that was business。

Later; when she had e back downstairs; she had found Danny curled up by the

fire again; reading the second…grade…primer adventures of Joe and Rachel at the

circus with their daddy in plete; absorbed attention。 The fidgety distraction

had pletely disappeared。 Watching him; she had been struck again by the eerie

certainty that Danny knew more and understood more than there was room for in

Dr。 (〃Just call me Bill〃) Edmonds's philosophy。

〃Hey; time for bed; doc;〃 she'd said。

〃Yeah; okay。〃 He marked his place in the

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