stood just inside
the door。 The empty tables; their white linen cloths neatly cleaned and pressed
beneath their clear plastic covers; glimmered up at him。 All was deserted now
(Dinner Will Be Served at 8 P。M。
Un…Masking and Dancing At Midnight)
Jack walked among the tables; momentarily forgetting his wife and son
upstairs; forgetting the dream; the smashed radio; the bruises。 He trailed his
fingers over the slick plastic dustcovers; trying to imagine how it must have
been on that hot August night in 1945; the war won; the future stretching ahead so various
and new; like a land of dreams。 The bright and particolored Japanese lanterns
hung the whole length of the circular drive; the golden…yellow light spilling
from these high windows that were now drifted over with snow。 Men
and women in costume; here a glittering princess; there a high…booted
cavalier; flashing jewelry and flashing wit every
where; dancing; liquor flowing freely; first wine and then cocktails and then
perhaps boilermakers the level of conversation going up and up and up until the jolly cry rang out
from the bandmaster's podium; the cry of 〃Unmask! Unmask!〃
(And the Red Death held sway 。。。)
He found himself standing on the other side of the dining room; just outside
the stylized batwing doors of the Colorado Lounge where; on that night in 1945;
all the booze would have been free。
(Belly up to the bar; pardner; the drinks're on the house。)
He stepped through the batwings and into the deep; folded shadows of the bar。
And a strange thing occurred。 He had been in here before; once to check the
inventory sheet Ullman had left; and