第44部分(2 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

t decision; to find the alternative; the

bitter irony of her thoughts did not occur: an hour ago she had been asleep;

firmly convinced that things were all right and soon would be even better。 Now

she was considering the possibility of using a butcher knife on her husband if

he tried to interfere with her and her son。

At last she stood up with Danny in her arms; her legs trembling。 There was no

other way。 She would have to assume that Jack awake was Jack sane; and that he

would help her get Danny down to Sidewinder and Dr。 Edmonds。 And if Jack tried

to do anything but help; God help him。

She went to the door and unlocked it。 Shifting Danny up to her shoulder; she

opened it and went out into the hall。

〃Jack?〃 she called nervously; and got no answer。

With growing trepidation she walked down to the stairwell; but Jack was not

there。 And as she stood there on the landing; wondering what to do next; the

singing came up from below; rich; angry; bitterly satiric:

〃Roll me over

In the clo…ho…ver;

Roll me over; lay me down and do it again。〃

She was frightened even more by the sound of him than she had been by his

silence; but there was still no alternative。 She started down the stairs。


Jack had stood on the stairs; listening to the crooning; forting sounds

ing muffled through the locked door; and slowly his confusion had given way

to anger。 Things had never really changed。 Not to Wendy。 He could be off the

juice for twenty years and still when he came home at night and she embraced him

at the door; he would see/ sense that little flare of her nostrils as she tried

to divine sco

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