remember the time you broke Danny's arm?' 〃
〃Jack what?〃 he asked hotly; and jumped to his feet。 〃Are you denying that's
what you're thinking? That I hurt him? That I hurt him once before and I could
hurt him again?〃
〃I want to know where he is; that's all!〃
〃Go ahead; yell your fucking head off; that'll make everything okay; won't it? 〃
She turned and walked out the door。
He watched her go; frozen for a moment; a blotter covered with fragments of
broken glass in one hand。 Then he dropped it into the wastebasket; went after
her; and caught her by the lobby desk。 He put his hands on her shoulders and
turned her around。 Her face was carefully set。
〃Wendy; I'm sorry。 It was the dream。 I'm upset。 Forgive?〃
〃Of course;〃 she said; her face not changing expression。 Her wooden shoulders
slipped out of his hands。 She walked to the middle of the lobby and called:
〃Hey; doc! Where are you?〃
Silence came back。 She walked toward the double lobby doors; opened one of
them; and stepped out onto the path Jack had shoveled。 It was more like a
trench; the packed and drifted snow through which the path was cut came to her
shoulders。 She called him again; her breath ing out in a white plume。 When
she came back in she had begun to look scared。
Controlling his irritation with her; he said reasonably: 〃Are you sure he's
not sleeping in his room?〃
〃I told you; he was playing somewhere when I was knitting。 I could hear him
〃Did you fall asleep?〃
〃What's that got to do with it? Yes。 Danny?〃
〃Did you look in his room when you came downstairs just now?〃
〃I — 〃She stopped。