ure settling
against his skull like a cap made out of lead; up and up; both of them crying
〃Elevator! Elevator!〃; and there had been nights when his father in his
drunkenness had not stopped the upward lift of his slabmuscled arms soon enough
and Jacky had gone right over his father's flattopped head like a human
projectile to crash…land on the hall floor behind his dad。 But on other nights
his father would only sweep him into a giggling ecstasy; through the zone of air
where beer hung around his father's face like a mist of raindrops; to be twisted
and turned and shaken like a laughing rag; and finally to be set down on his
feet; hiccupping with reaction。
The receipts slipped from his relaxing hand and seesawed down through the air
to land lazily on the floor; his eyelids; which had settled shut with his
father's image tattooed on their backs like stereopticon images; opened a little
bit and then slipped back down again。 He twitched a little。 Conscio