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小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

(this game isn't croquet though the mallets are too short this game is)

(WHACK…BOOM! Straight through the wicket。)


Danny pushed the door open。 It swung smoothly; without a creak。 He was

standing just outside a large bination bedsitting room; and although the snow

had not reached up this far  the highest drifts were still a foot below the

second…floor windows  the room was dark because Daddy had closed all the shutters

on the western exposure two weeks ago。

He stood in the doorway; fumbled to his right; and found the switch plate。 Two

bulbs in an overhead cut…glass fixture came on。 Danny stepped further in and

looked around。 The rug was deep and soft; a quiet rose color。 Soothing。 A double

bed with a white coverlet。 A writing desk

(Pray tell me: Why is a raven like a writing desk?)

by the large shuttered window。 During the season the Constant Writer

(having a wonderful time; wish you were fear)

would have a pretty view of the mountains to describe to the folks back home。

He stepped further in。 Nothing here; nothing at all。 Only an empty room; cold

because Daddy was heating the east wing today。 A bureau。 A closet; its door open

to reveal a clutch of hotel hangers; the kind you can't steal。 A Gideon Bible on

an endtable。 To his left was the bathroom door; a full…length mirror on it

reflecting his own white…faced image。 That door was ajar and —

He watched his double nod slowly。

Yes; that's where it was; whatever it was。 In there。 In the bathroom。 His

double walked forward; as if to escape the glass。 It put its hand out; pressed

it against his own。 Then it fell away at an 

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