第35部分(4 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

surely heard。 〃What? Al; did you say — ?〃

〃I said what I said。 How long is far in the future; Jack? For you it may be

two years; maybe five。 For me it's thirty or forty; because I expect to be

associated with the Overlook for a long time。 The thought of you doing some sort

of a scum…job on my hotel and passing it off as a great piece of American

writing; that makes me sick。〃

Jack was speechless。

〃I tried to help you; Jacky…boy。 We went through the war together; and I

thought I owed you some help。 You remember the war?〃

〃I remember it;〃 he muttered; but the coals of resentment had begun to glow

around his heart。 First Ullman; then Wendy; now Al。 What was this? National

Let's Pick Jack Torrance Apart Week? He clamped his lips more tightly together;

reached for his cigarettes; and knocked them off onto the floor。 Had he ever

liked this cheap prick talking to him from his mahogany…lined den in Vermont?

Had he really?

〃Before you hit that Hatfield kid;〃 Al was saying; 〃I had talked the Board out

of letting you go and even had them swung around to considering tenure。 You blew

that one for yourself。 I got you this hotel thing; a nice quiet place for you to

get yourself together; finish your play; and wait it out until Harry Effinger

and I could convince the rest of those guys that they made a big mistake。 Now it

looks like you want to chew my arm off on your way to a bigger killing。 Is that

the way you say thanks to your friends; Jack?〃

〃No;〃 he whispered。

He didn't dare say more。 His head was throbbing with the hot; acid…etched

words that wanted to get out。 He tried desperately to think of Danny and Wendy;

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