第35部分(2 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

e; for better or


As he got behind the truck's wheel it occurred to him that while he was

fascinated by the Overlook; he didn't much like it。 He wasn't sure it was good

for either his wife or his son or himself。 Maybe that was why he had called


To be fired while there was still time。

He backed the truck out of its parking space and headed them out of town and

up into the mountains。


It was ten o'clock。 Their quarters were filled with counterfeit sleep。

Jack lay on his side facing the wall; eyes open; listening to Wendy's slow and

regular breathing。 The taste of dissolved aspirin was still on his tongue;

making it feel rough and slightly numb。 Al Shockley had called at quarter of

six; quarter of eight back East。 Wendy had been downstairs with Danny; sitting

in front of the lobby fireplace and reading。

〃Person to person;〃 the operator said; 〃for Mr。 Jack Torrance。〃

〃Speaking。〃 He had switched the phone to his right hand; had dug his

handkerchief out of his back pocket with his left; and had wiped his tender lips

with it。 Then he lit a cigarette。

Al's voice then; strong in his ear: 〃Jacky…boy; what in the name of God are

you up to?〃

〃Hi; Al。〃 He snuffed the cigarette and groped for the Excedrin bottle。

〃What's going on; Jack? I got this weird phone call from Stuart Ullman this

afternoon。 And when Stu Ullman calls long…distance out of his own pocket; you

know the shit has hit the fan。〃

〃Ullman has nothing to worry about; Al。 Neither do you。〃

〃What exactly is the nothing we don't have to worry about? Stu made it sound

like a cross between blackma

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