e new
month the weather had bee threatening。 There had been a number of snow
flurries。 There had been snow in October too; but that had melted。 The new
flurries had stayed; a light frosting over everything it sparkled in the
sunlight like fine crystal。 But there had been no sunlight today; and even as he
reached the drugstore it began to spit snow again。
The phone booth was at the back of the building; and he was halfway down an
aisle of patent medicines; jingling his change in his pocket; when his eyes fell
on the white boxes with their green print。 He took one of them to the cashier;
paid; and went back to the telephone booth。 He pulled the door closed; put his
change and matchbook cover on the counter; and dialed O。
〃Your call; please?〃
〃Fort Lauderdale; Florida; operator。〃 He gave her the number there and the
number in the booth。 When she told him it would be a dollar ninety for the first
three minutes; he dropped eight quarters into the slot; wincing each time the
bell bonged in his ear。
Then; left in limbo with only the faraway clickings and gabblings of
connection…making; he took the green…bottle of Excedrin out of its box; pried up
the white cap; and dropped the wad of cotton batting to the floor of the booth。
Cradling the phone receiver between his ear and shoulder; he shook out three of
the white tablets and lined them up on the counter beside his remaining change。
He recapped the bottle and put it in his pocket。
At the other end; the phone was picked up on the first ring。
〃Surf…Sand Resort; how may we help you?〃 the perky female voice asked。
〃I'd like to speak with the manager; please。〃