n and
crackly music from the Estes Park station。 The kitchen was his favorite place in
the hotel; and he guessed that Mommy and Daddy must feel the same way; because
after trying their meals in the dining room for three days or so; they had begun
eating in the kitchen by mutual consent; setting up chairs around Dick
Hallorann's butcher block; which was almost as big as their dining room table
back in Stovington; anyway。 The dining room had been too depressing; even with
the lights on and the music playing from the tape cassette system in the office。
You were still just one of three people sitting at a table surrounded by dozens
of other tables; all empty; all covered with those transparent plastic
dustcloths。 Mommy said it was like having dinner in the middle of a Horace
Walpole novel; and Daddy had laughed and agreed。 Danny had no idea who Horace
Walpole was; but he did know that Mommy's cooking had begun to taste better as
soon as they began to eat it in the kitchen。 He kept discovering little flashes
of Dick Hallorann's personality lying around; and they reassured him like a warm
Mommy had eaten half a sandwich; no soup。 She said Daddy must have gone out
for a walk of his own since both the VW and the hotel truck were in the parking
lot。 She said she was tired and might lie down for an hour or so; if he thought
he could amuse himself and not get into trouble。 Danny told her around a
mouthful of cheese and bologna that he thought he could。
〃Why don't you go out into the playground?〃 she asked him。 〃I thought you'd
love that place; with a sandbox for your trucks and all。〃
He swallowed and the food went d