第31部分(2 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

Gienelli had been shot with heavy…gauge shotguns at close range。

Charles Grondin; the representative of the pany which now owns the

Overlook; could not be reached for。。。

Below the clipping; in heavy strokes of a ball…point pen; someone had written:

They took his balls along with them。 Jack stared at that for a long time;

feeling cold。 Whose book was this?

He turned the page at last; swallowing a click in his throat。 Another column

from Josh Brannigar; this one dated early 1967。 He only read the headline:


The sheets following that clipping were blank。

(They took his balls along with them。)

He flipped back to the beginning; looking for a name or address。 Even a room

number。 Because he felt quite sure that whoever had kept this little book of

memories had stayed at the hotel。 But there was nothing。

He was getting ready to go through all the clippings; more closely this time;

when a voice called down the stairs: 〃Jack? Hon?〃


He started; almost guiltily; as if he had been drinking secretly and she would

smell the fumes on him。 Ridiculous。 He scrubbed his lips with his hand and

called back; 〃Yeah; babe。 Lookin for rats。〃

She was ing down。 He heard her on the stairs; then crossing the boiler

room。 Quickly; without thinking why he might be doing it; be stuffed the

scrapbook under a pile of bills and invoices。 He stood up as she came through

the arch。

〃What in the world have you been doing down here? It's almost three o'clock!〃

He smiled。 〃Is it that late? I got rooting around through all this stuff。

Trying to find out where t

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