第20部分(7 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

l for the

dark; slumped; and aging Denker; who grew to hate Gary so much。 But he; Jack

Torrance; had never felt that way about George。 If he had; he would have known

it。 He was quite sure of that。

George had floated through his classes at Stovington。 A soccer and baseball

star; his academic program had been fairly undemanding and he had been content

with C's and an occasional B in history or botany。 He was a fierce field

contender but a lackadaisical; amused sort of student in the classrooms。 Jack was

familiar with the type; more from his own days as a high school and college

student than from his teaching experience; which was at second hand。 George

Hatfield was a jock。 He could be a calm; undemanding figure in the classroom;

but when the right set of petitive stimuli was applied (like electrodes to

the temples of Frankenstein's monster; Jack thought wryly); he could bee a


In January; George had tried out with two dozen others for the debate team。 He

had been quite frank with Jack。 His father was a corporation lawyer; and he

wanted his son to follow in his footsteps。 George; who felt no burning

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