第20部分(3 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈


spider or moth。 The driver gets panicky; tries to swat it or unroll a window to

let it out。 Possibly the insect stings him。 Maybe the driver just loses control。

Either way it's bang! 。。。 all over。 And the insect; usually pletely

unharmed; would buzz merrily out of the smoking wreck; looking for greener

pastures。 The trooper had been in favor of having pathologists look for insect

venom while autopsying such victims; Jack recalled。

Now; looking down into the nest; it seemed to him that it could serve as both

a workable symbol for what he had been through (and what he had dragged his

hostages to fortune through) and an omen for a better future。 How else could you

explain the things that had happened to him? For he still felt that the whole

range of unhappy Stovington experiences had to be looked at with Jack Torrance

in the passive mode。 He had not done things; things had been done to him。 He had

known plenty of people on the Stovington faculty; two of them right in the

English Department; who were hard drinkers。 Zack Tunney was in the habit of

picking up a full keg of beer on Saturday afternoon; plonking it in a backyard

snowbank overnight; and then killing damn near all of it on Sunday watching

football games and old movies。 Yet through the week Zack was as sober as a

judge — a weak cocktail with lunch was an occasion。

He and Al Shockley had been alcoholics。 They had sought each other out like

two castoffs who were still social enough to prefer drowning together to doing

it alone。 The sea had been whole…grain instead of salt; that was all。 Looking

down at the wasps; as they slowly went about their instinctual busine

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