ashioned to look like London gas
lamps; the bulbs were masked behind cloudy; cream…hued glass that was bound with
crisscrossing iron strips。
〃I like those very much;〃 she said。
Ullman nodded; pleased。 〃Mr。 Derwent had those installed throughout the Hotel
after the war — number Two; I mean。 In fact most — although not all — of the third…
floor decorating scheme was his idea。 This is 300; the Presidential Suite。〃
He twisted his key in the lock of the mahogany double doors and swung them
wide。 The sitting room's wide western exposure made them all gasp; which had
probably been Ullman's intention。 He smiled。 〃Quite a view; isn't it?〃
〃It sure is;〃 Jack said。
The window ran nearly the length of the sitting room; and beyond it the sun
was poised directly between two sawtoothed peaks; casting golden light across
the rock faces and the sugared snow on the high tips。 The clouds around and
behind this picture…postcard view were also tinted gold; and a sunbeam glinted
duskily down into the darkly pooled firs below the timberline。
Jack and Wendy were so absorbed in the view that they didn't look down at