the instant of his birth was presented to her。
She was again lying on the delivery table; bathed in sweat; her hair in strings;
her feet splayed out in the stirrups
(and a little high from the gas they kept giving her whiffs of; at one point
she had muttered that she felt like an advertisement for gang rape; and the
nurse; an old bird who had assisted at the births of enough children to populate
a high school; found that extremely funny)
the doctor between her legs; the nurse off to one side; arranging instruments
and humming。 The sharp; glassy pains had been ing at steadily shortening
intervals; and several times she had screamed in spite of her shame。
Then the doctor told her quite sternly that she must PUSH; and she did; and
then she felt something being taken from her。 It was a clear and distinct
feeling; one she would never forget…the thing taken。 Then the doctor held her
son up by the legs…she had seen his tiny sex and known he was a boy immediately…
and as the doctor groped for the airmask; she had seen something else; something
so horrible that she found the strength to scream again afte