第11部分(2 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

stuck with Jack more for Danny's sake than she would admit in her

waking hours; but now; sleeping lightly; she could admit it: Danny had been

Jack's for the asking; almost from the first。 Just as she had been her father's;

almost from the first。 She couldn't remember Danny ever spitting a bottle back

on Jack's shirt。 Jack could get him to eat after she had given up in disgust;

even when Danny was teething and it gave him visible pain to chew。 When Danny

had a stomachache; she would rock him for an hour before he began to quiet; Jack

had only to pick him up; walk twice around the room with him; and Danny would be

asleep on lack's shoulder; his thumb securely corked in his mouth。

He hadn't minded changing diapers; even those he called the special

deliveries。 He sat with Danny for hours on end; bouncing him on his lap; playing

finger games with him; making faces at him while Danny poked at his nose and

then collapsed with the giggles。 He made formulas and administered them

faultlessly; getting up every last burp afterward。 He would take Danny with him

in the car to get the paper or a bottle of milk or nails at the hardware store

even when their son was still an infant。 He had taken Danny to a Stovington…

Keene soccer match when Danny was only six months old; and Danny had sat

motionlessly on his father's lap through the whole game; wrapped in a blanket; a

small Stovington pennant clutched in one chubby fist。

He loved his mother but he was his father's boy。

And hadn't she felt; time and time again; her son's wordless opposition to the

whole idea of divorce? She would be thinking about it in the kitchen; turning it

over in 

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