第4部分(6 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

each of them wrapped in insulation and cinched with steel bands; rose into the

shadows and out of sight。

Watson pointed to a cobwebby shelf beside the utility shaft。 There were a

number of greasy rags on it; and a looseleaf binder。 〃That there is all your

plumbin schematics;〃 he said。 〃I don't think you'll have any trouble with

leaks — never has been — but sometimes the pipes freeze up。 Only way to stop that

is to run the faucets a little bit durin the nights; but there's over four

hundred taps in this fuckin palace。 That fat fairy upstairs would scream all the

way to Denver when he saw the water bill。 Ain't that right?〃

〃I'd say that's a remarkably astute analysis。〃

Watson looked at him admiringly。 〃Say; you really are a college fella aren't

you? Talk just like a book。 I admire that; as long as the fella ain't one of

those fairy…boys。 Lots of em are。 You know who stirred up all those college

riots a few years ago? The hommasexshuls; that's who。 They get frustrated an

have to cut loose。 in out of the closet; they call it。 Holy shit; I don't

know what the world's in to。

〃Now; if she freezes; she most likely gonna freeze right up in this shaft。 No

heat; you see。 If it happens; use this。〃 He reached into a broken orange crate

and produced a small gas torch。

〃You just unstrap the insulation when you find the ice plug and put the heat

right to her。 Get it?〃

〃Yes。 But what if a pipe freezes outside the utility core?〃

〃That won't happen if you're doin your job and keepin the place heated。 You

can't get to the other pipes anyway。 Don't you fret about it。 You'll have no

trouble。 Beastly place down here。 Cobwe

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